A Libation fit or an Imperial Conqueror!
Sounds exotic right? Well that's coz it is!
Just because 2020 might have restricted those luxurious beach-side resort excursions overseas that we were all looking forward to, it doesn't mean we can't bring a taste of the Caribbean closer to home in 2021..... Although, to be fair, being in New Zealand is like living in paradise anyway, so we can't complain too much.
But just for good measure, we've even shown you how to create your own Tropical Island out of an orange and a sprig of mint. Cool huh? Pretty close to the real thing we reckon! You're welcome!
Traditionally made with Rum, and originating in Cuba, it was said to help ward off illness.... (how fitting) But it's great with Vodka too.
Disclaimer: We strongly suggest you don't take any medical advice from old wives tales, alcohol websites or us, if you're feeling ill, it's best to CUT THE CRAP and see your medical professional!
Now the legal bit is out the way, let's continue.....The Mojito "apparently" derives it's name from the African word Mojo, meaning magic... and we all know magic happens after a few Mojitos..... *wink wink* There are other stories, buuuuut we like this one the best so we'll roll with it.
Right, enough waffle.. Lets get down to bizzo!
Go forth and gather the following:
- 30 or 60ml of Armada Vodka (of course) depending on your preference of strength
- 5 or so leaves of fresh mint
(homegrown is the best and most flavourful , but use what you can get your hands on)
- 1/2 a fresh lime sliced into...well... slices I guess, or quarters.
(NZ has some awesome lime growers, google is your friend or check out the link here!)
- 2 Tablespoons of simple sugar syrup
(you can make this yourself with equal parts of sugar and water , or if you're impatient, it can be purchased from your local liquor store or supermarket, but in the pursuit of knowledge we've provided a top notch recipe link here)
(self explanatory, use as much or as little as you like)
- Soda Water
(use a good one, don't be cheap, you've purchased premium vodka, so don't cut corners at this stage in the journey!!!!)
Ok, now for the fun bit, throwing it all together to create the deliciousness:
- Mash up (or "muddle" as the posh people say) your lime and mint in your favourite glass < CLICK HERE > to see our new Glassware which will be available to purchase soon! *That was a shameless plug*
- Add your Armada Vodka
- Chuck in your ice
- Add your sugar syrup
- Top off with your soda water
- Give it a wee stir up then garnish with a lime slice and a sprig of mint. Fancy without being too fancy! NICE!!!
- If you want your own fancy little orange island, see pic for creative direction.
- Most importantly. ENJOY!!!
We'll be creating more cocktail inspo for you as the days and weeks roll on, so stay tuned for more cool stuff.
*Additional content contribution kindly supplied by Indy the Cat.. in a hat #indythecat